Tuesday, June 15, 2010

LaSalle AVANT Showcase - 'Caveman and Zebragirl by Shirin Chawla & Russell Morton

If its title comes across somewhat abstract, it probably works as a good foretaste of the film.

Perhaps its synopsis offers the best description: “… the story of the relationship between a man who works as a caveman in a museum exhibit and his long-term girlfriend who works in a bar as an exotic dancer (ed: read Zebragirl).”

In between dealing with the pittance their unconventional jobs provide and their relationship struggles, the cohabiting couple experience cryptic dreams which serve as implicit expressions of their inward feelings toward each other.

The plot structure alternates between the couple’s waking and sleeping (or dreaming) hours, as bizarre but vivid dreams on a nightly basis offer an optimism their increasingly dire situations lack before the alarm's drone wakes them up to reality.

A contemplative film told through metaphors of a relationship held together despite the strain of outside forces, Caveman & Zebragirl does demand a fair dose of patience and ruminating to digest and get through.

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