Saturday, October 30, 2010

Be the first in Asia to see the RED EPIC Camera!

Be among the first in Asia to see the RED EPIC camera, powered by the new 5K Mysterium X sensor. Ted Schilowitz from Red Digital Cinema will be in Singapore to show off the EPIC and screen a selection of of RED footage, including some of the latest footage from the MX sensor that will go into the upcoming EPIC camera.

Singapore's own Widescreen Media will talk about their experience of shooting Stereoscopic 3D feature films on the RED ONE ,and will demo S3D footage shot both locally and overseas. They will also discuss workflow and post production options for S3D with RED . AV8 Media will also be on hand to discuss training and system integration for Stereoscopic 3D. Don't miss this chance to see the future of digital film making. This event is sponsored in part by Seika Corporation, RED's first authorized reseller for the Asia region.

Date: 4th November, 11am - 1pm

(Registration starts at 10am, Level 6 and lounge event to follow from 1-2pm)

Venue : The Cathay Hall 2
The Cathay Cineplex
Levels 5 & 6, The Cathay
2 Handy Road
Singapore 229233
Nearest MRT Station: NE6 / NS24 Dhoby Ghaut

Brief outline:

  • Introduction and keynote address by Ted Schilowitz
  • Demonstration of EPIC
  • Screening of RED ONE Mysterium and Mysterium X footage
  • Introduction to Stereoscopic 3D by Widescreen Media
  • Screening of 3D Footage from Widescreen Media
  • Demonstration of Stereoscopic 3D workflows with RED and Iridas
  • Training and Integration overview by AV8 Media
  • Q & A

Don't miss this chance to see the future of digital film making! Limited seats available! First come, First served! Please RSVP to or call us at (65) 6339 1321.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Viewpoint from a filmmaker -Ting Szu Kiong

We continue with a series of responses from local filmmakers on the current regulation and/or censorship system in Singapore. This is an ongoing project initiated by a group of students from LASALLE. Discussions and exchange of views are encouraged between members of the public and arts practitioners on the regulatory issue of films in Singapore. View our previous interviews here.

We find out what local filmmaker, Szu Kiong has to say:

1. During the process of making a film, have you ever felt restricted by any regulatory boundaries set by MDA? If yes, in what ways?
For my case, I have not felt restricted because I have never produced violent, sexually explicit, and racially, religiously or politically sensitive films although my films can be quite artistic. My films are "healthy".

I like to add that in my personal experience, MDA / SFC is not entirely close-minded. My first short film, MY KEYS, portrays the Goddess of Mercy, which is a religious figure, in a mischevious way. My second short film, MICHELLE, shows a melancholic woman walking in streets and enviously gazing at loving couples. At the end, we learn that she's a transvestite yearning to be a normal woman. Before I made my fourth short film, THE FOREST SPIRITS, people threw wet blanket at me saying that SFC would only support films with local flavors and never support the wuxia genre. These films are all supported by SFC.

2. If for artistic purposes, would you make a film which you know might attract censors or cuts but still continue to do it anyway? Why?
If it is a short film which involves low budget and I feel strongly for, I would probably make it anyway. There are many film festivals around the world which might be more tolerant. If it is a feature film which is likely to be banned, I rather not because I am not a rich filmmaker. I would likely choose to make feature films that can reach out to all ages.

3. In the Arts Community Position Paper, it is suggested that regulation should be implemented in place of censorship, as the former involves objective classification that is not politically-motivated. What is your view?
It sounds good because regultions should be clearer.

4. Two of MDA’s guiding principles behind its regulatory work are to uphold community values and to safeguard national and public interest. What is your view?
I guess such guidelines are common in many countries. Most people should agree that filmmakers should not make films that are biased against a minority group, or any religion. Of course exercising the guidelines can be controversial and even colored with prejudices. However, it is a double edged sword because how the government acts and the mentality of the majority are related to each other. Often, the conservative group wins because of the government's support. So, the government has to change its perception and take steps to educate people and clear prejudices.

5. Have you participated in any discussion programmes or feedback consultations with regards to content regulation initiated by MDA? Would you participate in future? Why?
Nope. But I don't mind participating.

6. What do you have to say about the censoring/banning of content in films screened in local theatres which are still obtainable on the Internet?
This is like a case of a parent forbidding children to do this and that at home, but the parent can't stop them from doing those things out of home. People in the arts community would question the rationale of banned contents while they can all be accessed on the Internet. I think this kind of train of thought is dangerous because it means that since porn can be obtainable on the Internet, why ban porn in theatres? So, I advice people should not reason like that.

Want to add your 2 cents worth? Join us in an open discussion on facebook

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Red Hot Masala Mix 2 at Sinema Old School

Director Pugalenthii's (Deadly Secrets) red letter day

My (Jeremy Sing) shot with the elegantly dressed programmer, Rajesree, an ardent fan of SINdie!

Group shot - SINdie + the poly lecturers (from left: Michael Kam, Jeremy Sing, Melody Chow, Raymond Tan, Rajesree Ramasamy)

Nicholas Chee (founder of Sinema Old School) rushing through the door under the watchful eyes of the golden fortune cat.

Cast and supporters of the films - the guy who played the effeminate mama shop owner in Michael Kam's Masala Mama is second from left.

The unforgettable 'Batam' scene where the Batam girl speaks with a funny accent!

Michael Kam answers to the many curious 'Why make an Indian film' questions

The directors were asked to pose with the audience as the background as part of the Showoff's group photo's signature style

Step into the directors' shoes here - a view of the Q & A from the director's chair, enjoy the video!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

6 Sifat Pria yang Disukai Wanita

Di dunia ini mungkin ada wanita yang tidak suka laki-laki. Tapi, biarlah itu ada. Bahasan kali ini hanya untuk wanita. Seperti wanita, laki-laki memiliki karakter khas. Ada yang umum, ada yang khusus. Nah, menurut survey ngawur yang pernah dilakukan. 6 Poin lelaki yang umumnya disukai wanita adalah :

1. Pandai merayu. 
Kenapa? Mungkin karena wanita yang dirayu merasakan bagaimana enaknya melambung tinggi menyentuh langit ketika dirayu. Terus melambung adalah kenikmatan tersendiri. Apalagi melambungnya gratis ga perlu naik pesawat yang ongkosnya bisa. Mahal!! Kalau naik pesawat sudah bisa gratis, percayalah sejak itu wanita tidak akan pernah suka dirayu!! Lha wong melambung karna dirayu itu kan hanya imajinasi….. Nah, mautnya rayuan ini jualah yang bisa mengcover wajah lelaki yang, maaf banget, gak ganteng-ganteng amat.

2. Flamboyan.
Lelaki fambloyan adalah lelaki dengan penampilan yang yah…… boleh dikata dandy. Ngegaya banget. Memang sih, flamboyan saja tidak cukup untuk menaklukan wanita. Tapi kebiasaan membuktikan, penampilan adalah pintu pertama agar bisa diterima, yah minimal untuk kenalan atau ngobrol. Coba perhatikan ketika seorang lelaki dengan gaya flamboyan lewat pasti deh mata para wanita bergerak senada seirama dengan alunan gerak sang lelaki tersebut.

3. Romantis.
Romantis nih deket-deket dengan merayu. Hanya saja kalau romantis lebih umum. Merayu adalah aplikasi dari romantis. Lelaki yang romantis, jelas disukai wanita. Bahkan wanita yang awalnya gak suka dengan lelaki tertentu, kalau sudah kesentuh romantisme sang lelaki tersebut. Waaah… bisa puyeng tujuh keliling. Poin romantis ini disukai, baik nenek-nenek maupun gadis-gadis. Seandainya ada pilihan antara kue bolu terenak di dunia dan romantisme. Jelas romantisme adalah pilihan pertama buat para wanita dari pada kue bolu ( Ya iyalah, kue bolu kan bisa bikin sendiri?)

4. Bermata sayu.
Sampai sekarang, sulit menemukan jawaban kenapa kebanyakan wanita menyukai lelaki berwajah kantuk. Cermati saja si Nicholas Cage. Berapa banyak wanita yang tergila-gila karna matanya. Lelaki bermata sayu ini disukai mungkin karna tatapannya yang terkesan sabar dan lembut plus tentu ada unsur romantisnya. Yah, lagi-lagi romantisme….(apalagi?)

5. Ringan tangan. Suka menolong.
Tentu maksudnya yang baik ya. Mana ada wanita yang suka digabok? Ringan tangan adalah suka membantu. Nggak pelit ngasih pertolongan terutama kepada orang-orang yang memang membutuhkan seperti wanita, orang lanjut usia, dan lain-lain. Sikap suka menolong ini akan lebih disukai saat terjadi secara spontan. Tidak terkesan dibuat-buat. Kenapa lelaki seperti ini disukai wanita? Karna diharapkan kalau jadi suami lebih banyak menolong atau meringankan tanggungjawab istri dari pada menjadi mandor dirumah sendiri.

6. Sopan.
Siapa sih yang nggak suka dengan pria sopan? Wajah jelek sekalipun kalau sikapnya sopan kepada siapa saja, pasti banyak yang suka. Lagi-lagi tipe yang seperti ini disukai wanita karena diharapkan akan menjadi pendamping hidup yang memperlakukan istri secara baik dan lembut. Logikanya, kalau sama oranglain sopan, masak sama istri sendiri bisa kurang aja? hehehehe…… tapi kenyataan sering berkata lain ya? sama orang lain sopannya bukan main (jaim) sama istri sendiri, siapa peduli? ini sih contoh jelek ya…


Foto-foto palsu yang menghebohkan

Pernah mendengar kata “Hoax”?
Hoax tak lain sebuah lelucon yang justru dipercaya kebenarannya oleh banyak orang.
Beberapa photo atau gambar hoax pernah beredar luas dalam masyarakat dan dipercayakan oleh sebagian orang photo tersebut merupakan kejadian nyata.
Berikut beberapa Photo yang pernah mengebohkan dunia:
 Pada awal tahun 2000, beredar photo kucing yang rakasa melalui e-mail, diklaim sebagai kucing berukuran besar yang ditemukan di dekat laboratorium nuklir Kanada. Photo ini sebenarnya lelucon Cordell Hauglie yang disebarkan Mei 2001 kepada teman-temannya dan tidak pernah menyangka akan terjadi kehebohan yang sangat luar biasa.

 Beberapa saat setelah serangan 11 September beredar photo di Internet tentang seorang pria yang sedang berdiri diatas gedung WTC, dibelakang pria tersebut tergambar pesawat yang akan menabrak gedung itu. Gambar tersebut ternyata palsu.
 Pada tahun 1917 dua anak perempuan kembali dari bermain di kebun mereka dengan kamera dan bukti nyata peri kehidupan. Namun pada tahun 1970-an terungkap bahwa peri peri Cottingley foto-foto itu palsu. Salah seorang saksi bernama Elsie Wright mengaku teman peri mereka tidak lebih dari guntingan kertas.

Photo ini terkenal dengan nama Monster Loch Ness atau Nessie. Pada tahun 1994 terungkap ternyata photo tersebut rekayasa, gambar tak lain dari sebuah mainan kapal selam yang dilengkap kepala ular laut.
 Ray Santilli Pada tahun 1995 menyatakan memiliki gambar tentang Alien UFO yang sedang di Otopsi pada tahun 1947, namun tahun 2006 dia mengakui bahwa gambar yang ada tidak sepenuhnya benar. Gambar tersebut hanyalah sebuah rekonstruksi dari sebuah kejadian.

Gambar ini yang tampaknya lebih dari ukuran tengkorak yang ditemukan di Arab Saudi dilaporkan oleh surat kabar The New Nation Bangladesh pada tahun 2004, Gambar ini tidak lain sebuah rekayasa photoshop yang juga pernah dipublikasikan di situs

Pada tanggal 1 April 2008 yang bertepatan dengan April Moob, BBC melaporkan rekaman penguin terbang dari Antartika ke Brazil. Rekaman ini merupakan rangkaian April Moob yang sengaja di publikasikan oleh BBC namun mendapat reaksi yang serius dari berbagai kalangan.

Hoax ini muncul melalui email pada tahun 2001 yang memperlihat sebuah helicopter diserang oleh seekor hiu ganas. Photo ini diklaim telah dipilih oleh National Geographic’s sebagai Photo of the Year.

Afterthoughts on Sinema Showoff! Masala Mix 2


That was the word that first popped into my mind after all six films were screened. And aptly so; after all, the event was named Masala Mix for a reason, no?

I use that food reference in both a good and a bad sense. The films screened in the event were all radically different, both in style and in content; their genres spanned from comedy to horror. It is always nice to have variety in any short film screenings. At the same time though, there were the obvious standouts among the lineup.

It is probably tricky to curate a screening of Indian shorts made by local filmmakers when so few have been made to begin with. Again, I give props to the curating team for sourcing out the films and helping audience get acquainted with a couple of gems - Michael Kam's wacky Masala Mama, which competed at the Berlin International Film Festival, was my favourite. SINdie's very own Jeremy Sing also had his film Moving, screened during the event!

The only real problem with the nature of the event was the expectations audiences carried with them into the theatre. The name of the event had them anticipating a line up of films exploring/commenting on the Indian identity in Singapore, but most of the films were really not concerned with such an issue. Many of the films were simply using an Indian cast member either to explore interracial tensions or simply to situate their protagonists in a predominantly Indian social setting.

There are always inherent problems in expecting an "Indian film" made by local filmmakers. What really defines a film as Indian? Going in a similar tangent, what for that matter, is a Singaporean film? I think such clear distinctions for a local brand of Indian film do not yet exist. It is very much up to local filmmakers to shape the contours of what qualifies as an "Indian film". I think some of the audiences were half expecting a Bollywood style short film made by a local filmmaker, but I think that insipid. Drawing on such cultural influences is fine, but Indian culture rooted in a local context is always going to be different from the culture among Indians anywhere else in the world.

Anyhow, I think the event was still smartly named. If anything, the mix of films was good. Some of the films like Masala Mama tapped into cultural traditions - or idiosyncrasies, depending on how you see it - and drew laughs from the audience; others like Moving explored interracial tensions; Deadly Secrets utilized horror conventions prevalent in South Asian films and weaved them into a narrative anchored in a Singaporean context. None of them claimed to be an "Indian film", but I think eventually, as more local filmmakers go on to make films exploring Indian characters in Singapore, a clearer identity of such a subgenre will start to arise.

As of now, I still maintain that some of K. Rajagopal's earlier works come closest to being the quintessential "local Indian film".

As for the crowd, I would say that it is always great to see a full showing at a screening of local shorts. There were more than 130 people present and most of the audiences stayed for the Q and A session. And this time round, no McDonalds eating couple in the cinema, stinking up the place with the stench of oil and fries!

Stayed tuned for the next Showoff! session on Nov 16, which is a continuation of the Masala Mix theme. You can check out the facebook event page here.

P.S. If you guys were in the hall and heard a girl relentlessly bursting into laughter during the screening of some of the films, that was probably SINdie's Melody Chow (sorry, Mel =D). Ok, so some of the films were probably unintentionally funny at parts, but at least they were entertaining, and we're not complaining!

Tweeting Berlin #3 - Asian Hot Shots Berlin 2010

Out at the flea market , deep in thought about whether to buy or not buy...

Jonathan Chong stands up to Mathias' questions on his film 'Father'.

(Looi) Wan Ping's 'White Days' and Wilson (Yip) 'Madam Chan' both clinched second prize in the feature film and short film category respectively! Congrats!! After the awards, we headed to the nearby pub for the closing party. Booze, hugs and smokes aplenty :) Jonathan shared with me his cigar, a puff, got me choking. Wasn't used to it. But that's why we are here!

Signing off,

Wesley Leon Aroozoo

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Viewpoint from a filmmaker - Jeremy Sing

A 2010 Arts Community Position Paper on Censorship and Regulation has recently been developed by Arts Engage, a network of arts practitioners from various disciplines. The paper proposes and recommends for the current system to be replaced by one where there is a clear separation of regulation and censorship.

A group of students from LASALLE take to the streets and the internet to interview members of the public and local filmmakers on their views and opinion concerning the current film classifications system in Singapore.

Here is a response from SINdie's very own blogger/filmmaker, Jeremy:

During the process of making a film, have you ever felt restricted by any regulatory boundaries set by MDA? If yes, in what ways?
Not really. If commercial objectives were secondary in making a film, I will go completely with my guts because films cross geographical boundaries and every film will find its audience somewhere. So if it is a good piece of work that's kept my artistic integrity intact, I will not be too concerned that the authorities might ban it.

If for artistic purposes, would you make a film which you know might attract censors or cuts but still continue to do it anyway? Why?
Yes, I would. How can replace the word 'fuck' when you need the character to say it? If it is in Hokkien, it proves my point even more. There are just no substitutes for certain elements in film.

In the Arts Community Position Paper, it is suggested that regulation should be implemented in place of censorship, as the former involves objective classification that is not politically-motivated. What is your view?
The whole basis of the Position Paper is to lobby for the us to be treated more like adults. Adults are ready to judge for themselves what is right and wrong and what are the boundaries of being creative and being distasteful. This line is very fine. But when we are given the space to decide where the line is, it leads us to start thinking critically about what is acceptable and what is not. If we decide something is not, there is whole-hearted acceptance. We are not blindly placing 'conventional' judgements on thing.

Two of MDA’s guiding principles behind its regulatory work are to uphold community values and to safeguard national and public interest. What is your view?
On community values, it sounds sensible on the onset but what we forget is that the censors, like to err on the side of being conservative or 'the best way not to get into trouble'. They are after holding in highly-watched positions, doing sensitive jobs. On national and public interest, I find it hard to define what it is and politics can often get into play (and I guess this is universal, not just in Singapore).

Have you participated in any discussion programmes or feedback consultations with regards to content regulation initiated by MDA? Would you participate in future? Why?
No. This is mainly due to my busy schedule. But when I have more time in the future I would like to. I believe, in my position, running SINdie, a widely-read film blog, we have some social responsibility to my readers.

What do you have to say about the censoring/banning of content in films screened in local theatres which are still obtainable on the Internet?
Perhaps the censors see public screening of 'objectionable' films is public endorsement of them. So banning them is more a gesture and it does not ultimately block off all possible viewing opportunities of the film. But I wonder they do not explore restricted screening arrangements? Perhaps they may start to now given the recent changes announced.

Want to add your 2 cents worth? Join them in an open discussion on facebook

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kapal Buatan PT PAL, Terbaik di Dunia

SURABAYA, - Kapal Double Skin Bulk Carrier (DSBC) Erlyne 50.000 Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT) produksi PT PAL Indonesia termasuk salah satu kapal terbaik di dunia untuk kelas kapal berbobot mati 50.000 ton. Kapal yang juga dikenal dengan nama "Star 50" sepanjang 189,840 meter dan lebar 30,50 meter ini sepenuhnya hasil rancang bangun putra-putri Indonesia.
"Kapal DSBC Erlyne 50.000 DWT adalah produk unggulan PT PAL Indonesia. Kapal ini menggunakan kandungan lokal 35 persen hingga 45 persen dengan bahan-bahan berkualitas tinggi," kata Menteri Negara BUMN Mustafa Abubakar saat peluncuran Kapal DSBC Erlyne 50.000 DWT di Galangan Kapal Divisi Niaga PT PAL Indonesia, Surabaya, Jumat (15/10/2010).
Kapal DSBC Erlyne 50.000 DWT dirancang untuk memenuhi persyaratan operasi dan didesain dengan menggunakan kelas Det Norske Verits (DNV Class). Menurut Direktur PT PAL Indonesia Harsusanto, dari desain, kecepatan Kapal DSBC Erlyne 50.000 DWT memiliki kecepatan maksimal 14,5 knot. Tapi, setelah diuji coba di lautan, kecepatan maksimalnya bisa mencapai 16,5 knot.
"Kualitas kehalusan bodi kapal ini tak kalah dengan kapal-kapal asing. Ini adalah salah satu kapal terbaik di dunia," kata Harsusanto.
Kapal jenis niaga ini adalah pesanan Azurite Invest Ltd, British Virgin ILand, Singapura . Kapal DSBC Erlyne 50.000 DWT adalah kapal kesembilan dari kapal kelas DSBC yang berhasil diekspor ke sejumlah negara. Beberapa negara yang pernah mengimpor kapal jenis ini adalah Hongkong (empat unit) , Jerman (dua unit), Turki (dua unit), dan Singapura (satu unit).

jadi kita sebagai bangsa Indonesia harus bangga ternyata putra-putri Indonesia BISA memproduksi Kapal sehebat ini.

Tweeting Berlin #2 - Asian Hot Shots Berlin 2010

'Here is a screenshot from 'Zomberlin' a little joint project by the Singapore contingent that attended the previous ASHB in 2009.'
'No words can describe this look of ...... constipation.'
Above left to right: Victric Thng, Aishah (from Substation), Royston Tan, Wilson Yip, Mathias Ortmann
'The Singapore Hot Shots screening was a wonderful selection of Singapore films, one of the best curated program of Singapore films I have experienced. We also had the opportunity to watch Royston's 'Fish Love', which was amazing!'
'The filmmakers over here are happy with the screening and would like to give a Big Big thanks to Mathias, AHSB peeps and MDA for making the experience possible.'
'On Day 3 which was 22 Oct, we had a lively Singapore panel discussion.... We then went on to attend 'Pink films'. It was too much to handle, so we left halfway. We scared...... No la. More like bored n revolted.'
'Day 4 has just begun!'

Wesley Leon Aroozoo, from AHSB 2010 in Berlin

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tweeting Berlin #1 - Asian Hot Shots Berlin 2010

'Big gang of Singaporeans here in Berlin... We went to visit he Jewish museum this time round, only 4 Euros to get in.'
'We ate at Rayan Chicken, some kebab place.... really cold here in Berlin!... but the AHSB people are really nice here.'
'Like the previous time, we met up with up the Singapore ambassador again. And we all went to catch Glen Goei's movie, 'The Blue Mansion'. It had Emma Yong naked full frontal, without censoring. Nice.....'

signing off, Wesley Leon Aroozoo (that's me above in the picture foreground!)

10 Fenomena Penuh Misteri Di Luar Angkasa

Top 10 Fenomena Penuh Misteri di Luar Angkasa

1. Tabrakan Antar Galaksi
Tabrakan Antar Galaksi
Ternyata galaksi pun dapat saling “memakan” satu sama lain. Yang lebih mengejutkan adalah galaksi Andromeda sedang bergerak mendekati galaksi Bima Sakti kita. Gambar di atas merupakan simulasi tabrakan Andromeda dan galaksi kita, yang akan terjadi dalam waktu sekitar 3 milyar tahun.
Credit: F. Summers/C. Mihos/L. Hemquist
2. Quasar
Quasar tampak berkilau di tepian alam semesta yang dapat kita lihat. Benda ini melepaskan energi yang setara dengan energi ratusan galaksi yang digabungkan. Bisa jadi quasar merupakan black hole yang sangat besar sekali di dalam jantung galaksi jauh. Gambar ini adalah quasar 3C 273, yang dipotret pada 1979.
3. Materi Gelap (Dark Matter)
Materi Gelap (Dark Matter)
Para ilmuwan berpendapat bahwa materi gelap (dark matter) merupakan penyusun terbesar alam semesta, namun tidak dapat dilihat dan dideteksi secara langsung oleh teknologi saat ini. Kandidatnya bervariasi mulai dari neotrino berat hinggainvisible black hole. Jika dark matter benar-benar ada, kita masih harus membutuhkan pengetahuan yang lebih baik tentang gravitasi untuk menjelaskan fenomena ini.
Credit: Andrey Kravtsov
4. Gelombang Gravitasi (Gravity Waves)
Gelombang Gravitasi (Gravity Waves)
Gelombang gravitasi merupakan distorsi struktur ruang-waktu yang diprediksi oleh teori relativitas umum Albert Einstein. Gelombangnya menjalar dalam kecepatan cahaya, tetapi cukup lemah sehingga para ilmuwan berharap dapat mendeteksinya hanya melalui kejadian kosmik kolosal, seperti bersatunya dua black hole seperti pada gambar di atas. LIGO dan LISA merupakan dua detektor yang didesain untuk mengamati gelombang yang sukar dipahami ini.
Credit: Henze/NASA
5. Energi Vakum
Energi Vakum
Fisika Kuantum menjelaskan kepada kita bahwa kebalikan dari penampakan, ruang kosong adalah gelembung buatan dari partikel subatomik “virtual” yang secara konstan diciptakan dan dihancurkan. Partikel-partikel yang menempati tiap sentimeter kubik ruang angkasa dengan energi tertentu, berdasarkan teori relativitas umum, memproduksi gaya antigravitasi yang membuat ruang angkasa semakin mengembang. Sampai sekarang tidak ada yang benar-benar tahu penyebab ekspansi alam semesta.
6. Mini Black Hole
Mini Black Hole
Jika teori gravitasi “braneworld” yang baru dan radikal terbukti benar, maka ribuan mini black holes tersebar di tata surya kita, masing-masing berukuran sebesar inti atomik. Tidak seperti black hole pada umumnya, mini black hole ini merupakan sisa peninggalan Big Bang dan mempengaruhi ruang dan waktu dengan cara yang berbeda.
7. Neutrino
Neutrino merupakan partikel elementer yang tak bermassa dan tak bermuatan
yang dapat menembus permukaan logam. Beberapa neutrino sedang menembus tubuhmu saat membaca tulisan ini. Partikel “phantom” ini diproduksi di dalam inti bintang dan ledakan supernova. Detektor diletakkan di bawah permukaan bumi, di bawah permukaan laut, atau ke dalam bongkahan besar es sebagai bagian dariIceCube, sebuah proyek khusus untuk mendeteksi keberadaan neutrino.
Credit: Jeff Miller/NSF/U. of Wisconsin-Madison
8. Ekstrasolar Planet (Exoplanet)
Ekstrasolar Planet (Exoplanet)
Hingga awal 1990an, kita hanya mengenal planet di tatasurya kita sendiri. Namun, saat ini astronom telah mengidentifikasi lebih dari 200 ekstrasolar planet yang berada di luar tata surya kita. Pencarian bumi kedua tampaknya belum berhasil hingga kini. Para astronom umumnya percaya bahwa dibutuhkan teknologi yang lebih baik untuk menemukan beberapa dunia seperti di bumi.
Credit: ESO
9. Radiasi Kosmik Latarbelakang
Radiasi Kosmik Latarbelakang
Radiasi ini disebut juga Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) yang merupakan sisa radiasi yang terjadi saat Big Bang melahirkan alam semesta. Pertama kali dideteksi pada dekade 1960 sebagai noise radio yang nampak tersebar di seluruh penjuru alam semesta. CBM dianggap sebagai bukti terpenting dari kebenaran teori Big Bang. Pengukuran yang akurat oleh proyek WMAP menunjukkan bahwa temperatur CMB adalah -455 derajat Fahrenheit (-270 Celsius).
Credit: NASA/WMAP Science Team
10. Antimateri
Seperti sisi jahat Superman, Bizzaro, partikel (materi normal) juga mempunyai versi yang berlawanan dengan dirinya sendiri yang disebut antimateri. Sebagai contoh, sebuah elektron memiliki muatan negatif, namun antimaterinya positron memiliki muatan positif. Materi dan antimateri akan saling membinasakan ketika mereka bertabrakan dan massa mereka akan dikonversi ke dalam energi melalui persamaan Einstein E=mc2. Beberapa desain pesawat luar angkasa menggabungkan mesin antimateri.
Credit: Penn State U. /NASA-MSFC

Senjata Perang dari Masa ke Masa

Mengapa harus ada perang ? Hal yang paling utama diinginkan oleh manusia adalah diterima oleh orang lain, sedangkan hal yang ditakutinya adalah tidak diterima di masyarakat, karena itulah salah satu tantangan dalam bertahan hidup adalah berperang, dan manusia menciptakan senjata untuk berperang.
Senjata Zaman Kuno (Ancient History)
Stone Hammer:
Stone Hammer:

Rusted Sword:
Bronze Axe:
Melee Weapon:
Senjata pada zaman kuno umumnya berupa senjata melee atau senjata jarak dekat, biasa berupa batu atau perunggu yang ditajamkan, ada juga yang berupa palu yang terbuat dari batu dan kayu. Meskipun ada senjata yang terbuat dari besi, namun cara pembuatannya masih sangat sederhana, sehingga tidak cukup kuat untuk bertahan dan memasuki zaman berikutnya. Senjata pada zaman ini sebenarnya bukan untuk berperang, melainkan untuk mencari makan, namun ada beberapa yang sekaligus digunakan untuk berperang.
Senjata Zaman Pertengahan (Middle Ages)
Iron Sword:
Knife and Blade:
Wooden Shield:
Pada zaman ini, senjata sudah berkembang menjadi lebih mematikan dari zaman sebelumnya, sudah terdapat senjata jarak jauh, dan juga terbuat dari material yang kuat. Pembuatan senjata pun sudah cukup modern, pembuatan pedang ditempa agar lebih tajam dan kuat. Senjata pada zaman ini bertahan lama sampai pada zaman kerajaan berakhir.
Senjata Zaman Modern Awal (Early Modern Period)
Pistol Musket:
Pada zaman modern awal, senjata yang dipakai hampir keseluruhan adalah senjata jarak jauh, mengingat ditemukannya mesiu pada zaman ini, itu menunjukkan bahwa persenjataan modern dimulai pada zaman ini. Meskipun ada beberapa senjata tajam, tapi hanya digunakan dibeberapa situasi.
Senjata Zaman Modern (Modern Era)
M1 Garand:
Sawn off Shotgun:
AA Gun (Anti-Aircraft):
Panzerschreck Anti-Tank:
okarev Pistol:
RGD-33 Grenade:
Pada zaman modern, senjata-senjata sudah mulai maju, dimana automatic mode sudah berkembang pada zaman ini. Bahan peledak, senjata anti-tank dan anti-aircraft pun sudah dibuat. Senjata jarak jauh seperti sniper sudah diproduksi walaupun sebagian besar masih manual/springfield.
Senjata Zaman Sekarang (Post-Modern)
Avtomat Kalashnikova 47:
MP5 Navy:
Desert Eagle Pistol:
Automatic Sniper Rifle:
Flashbang Grenade:
M61 Frag Grenade:
C-4 Explosive:
USP.45 Silenced:
Rocket Propelled Grenade:
Pada zaman sekarang, senjata sudah berkembang sangat fantastik, dimana semua senjata sudah memakai automatic mode, bahan peledak pun sudah mulai modern, senjata-senjata sudah dirancang untuk stealth mode. Senjata-senjata yang memiliki kekurangan pada zaman modern sudah mulai disempurnakan.